The Newest Offers of Facebook
Social network Facebook offers a set of new possibilities to its users. The first new paid service is an opportunity to send direct messages to the founder Mark Zuckerberg with guaranteed delivery. For just $ 100, you can send a private message to Zuckerberg, which will fall into the folder "Inbox" and not into "Others". Although this new feature is only available to some US users but it is possible that during the time the restrictions will be enlarged.
Earlier, developers of Facebook began testing the new paid system messaging to simple users. The cost of sending a message to the unknown user, which is guaranteed to be delivered to "Inbox" is one dollar. Thus the administration of the world's largest social network is trying to fight against the SPAM. Currently, Facebook has more than one billion online users.
Facebook is preparing to launch a new feature as well which will allow the participants to read the news in the social network of other users without adding them as a friend. Title Subscribe (subscription), will enable the public to view messages, photos and other open content, and the user can choose what he wants to receive. To subscribe to updates, as opposed to adding friends, confirmation request from another user is not required.
It should be noted that this is made already in the social network Google+, as well as Russia's " В Контакте".